Table of Content
1. What is Nettle? and its benefits?
2. Six Proof Based Benefits of Stinging Nettle
2.3 May Treat Enlarged Prostate Symptoms
2.6 May Aid Blood Sugar Control
3. List of Five Best Nettle Teas
3.1 Teacurry Nettle Tea For Kidney Detox, Blood Sugar, Blood Purify
3.2 Traditional Medicinals- Nettle Leaf Tea
3.3 Buddha Teas - Organic Nettle Leaf Tea
3.4 Celebration Herbals- Organic Nettle Leaf Tea
3.5 Secrets Of The Tribe Stinging Nettle Leaf
4. Why you should Choose Teacurry Nettle Tea over other Brands
1. What is Nettle? and its benefits?
Nettle leaf, likewise called Urtica dioica, has been utilized in customary medication for a long time. It's known for the stinging hairs that develop on the stems and leaves, and it tends to be utilized as a dry leaf, freeze-dried, or removed into tablets, juices, and teas. Current science has tracked down motivation to help a significant number of the old convictions about vex's restorative impacts. It is local to Europe, North Africa, and Asia and was generally involved all through the Mediterranean bowl in Greek and Roman times. Nettle, or stinging nettle, is a bush that comes from northern Europe and Asia. Its logical name is Urticadioica. The plant flaunts pretty, heart-molded leaves and yellow or pink blossoms, yet the stem is canvassed in small, solid hairs that deliver stinging synthetics when contacted. The leaves, stem, or root from the nettle plant can be squashed and made into powders, colors, creams, and teas, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. While individuals have been involved in it for a really long time as a homegrown medication, present-day research likewise upholds a large number of the potential medical advantages of endlessly nettle tea.
1.1 Urinary tract health
Nettle might assist with flushing destructive microscopic organisms from the urinary parcel. This can help individuals who have urinary circumstances, like harmless prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH causes an extended prostate organ in men. This can cause torment or different issues peeing. As indicated by one 2013 study, men with BPH who took nettle to extricate had fewer clinical side effects than the people who didn't. Nettle may likewise assist with supporting any prescriptions you're taking for contaminations or conditions connected with the urinary parcel. Converse with your primary care physician first about any potential associations between homegrown cures and prescriptions you take.
1.2 Arthritis and pain
Nettle has generally been utilized to treat agony and sore muscles, particularly connected with joint pain. The Arthritis Foundation recommends that nettle tea may likewise lessen the irritation and agony relationship with osteoarthritis.
1.3 Blood sugar management
Nettle affects blood glucose levels. It might help the pancreas make or deliver more insulin, the chemical that brings down glucose. In a recent report, nettle leaf extricate brought down blood glucose and A1C in a gathering with type 2 diabetes who were accepting insulin as well as oral diabetes meds.
1.4 The power of polyphenols
Nettle is high in plant synthetics called polyphenols. A survey of the examination on polyphenols recommends that these strong mixtures might assume a part in the counteraction and the board of persistent illnesses connected with irritation, like diabetes, heftiness, malignant growth, and coronary illness. Specifically, polyphenols from nettle separate have shown some interesting potential for treating bosom cancer Trusted Source and prostate cancer Trusted Source. Plants like nettle additionally contain intense cancer prevention agents, which are substances that shield the body from maturing and cell harm.
2. Six Proof Based Benefits of Stinging Nettle
Below are 6 evidence-based benefits of stinging nettle.
2.1 Contains Many Nutrients
Stinging nettle’s leaves and roots provide a wide variety of nutrients, including (Source: Stinging nettles leaf (Urtica dioica L.): Extraordinary vegetable medicine ,scienceDirect Retrieved on 1 January 2024)
- Vitamins: Vitamins A, C
- and K, as well as several B vitamins
- Minerals: Calcium, iron,
- magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium
- Fats: Linoleic acid,
- linolenic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid
- Amino acids: All of the essential amino acids
- Polyphenols: Kaempferol,
- quercetin, caffeic acid, coumarins and other flavonoids
- Pigments: Beta-carotene, lutein, luteoxanthin, and other carotenoids
What’s more, many of these nutrients act as antioxidants inside your body. Antioxidant prevention agents are particles that assist with shielding your cells against harm from free revolutionaries. Harm brought about by free revolutionaries is connected to maturing, as well as malignant growth and other destructive infections (Source: Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress as a major cause of age-related diseases and cancer ,pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024)
2.2 May Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is your body’s way of healing itself and fighting infections. However, chronic inflammation can inflict significant harm (Source: Chronic Inflammation, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024) Stinging nettle harbors an assortment of mixtures that might decrease irritation. In creature and test-tube review, stinging nettle diminished levels of different provocative chemicals by obstructing their creation. In human examinations, applying a stinging nettle cream or consuming stinging nettle items seems to ease fiery circumstances, like joint pain.For example, in one 27-man study, applying a stinging nettle cream onto joint inflammation impacted regions fundamentally decreased torment, contrasted with a fake treatment. (Source: Randomized controlled trial of nettle sting for treatment of base-of-thumb pain, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). In another review, taking an enhancement that contained stinging nettle remove essentially diminished joint inflammation torment. Furthermore, members felt they could diminish their portion of mitigating pain killers due to this case (Source: Phytalgic, a food supplement, vs placebo in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024) All things considered, research is lacking to suggest stinging nettle as a mitigating treatment. More human investigations are required.
2.3 May Treat Enlarged Prostate Symptoms
Up to 50% of men aged 51 and older have an enlarged prostate gland (Source: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Review of Modern Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatments, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024) An expanded prostate is generally called harmless prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Researchers doesn't know what causes BPH, however, it can prompt huge inconvenience during pee. Strangely, a couple of studies recommend that stinging nettle might assist with treating BPH. Creature research uncovers that this strong plant might forestall the change of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone — an all the more impressive type of testosterone. (Source: Ameliorative effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in rats, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). Stopping this conversion can help reduce prostate size Studies in people with BPH demonstrate that stinging nettle extracts help treat short- and long-term urination problems — without side effects (Source: Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). Be that as it may, it's indistinct the way in which successful stinging nettle is contrasted with regular medicines.
2.4 May Treat Hay Fever
Roughage fever is a sensitivity that includes irritation in the covering of your nose. Stinging nettle is seen as a promising normal treatment for roughage fever. Test-tube research shows that stinging nettle concentrates can restrain irritation that can set off sensitivities to pollen. This incorporates impeding receptor receptors and preventing safe cells from delivering synthetics that trigger sensitivity side effects (Source: Nettle extract (Urtica dioica) affects key receptors and enzymes associated with allergic rhinitis, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). In any case, human examinations note that stinging nettle is equivalent to or just somewhat greater at treating roughage fever than a fake treatment (Source: Nettle extract (Urtica dioica) affects key receptors and enzymes associated with allergic rhinitis, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). While this plant might demonstrate a promising normal solution for roughage fever side effects, more long haul human investigations are required.
2.5 May Lower Blood Pressure
Approximately one in three American adults have high blood pressure. Hypertension is a not kidding well-being concern since it seriously jeopardizes coronary illness and strokes, which are among the main sources of death around the world. Stinging nettle was customarily used to treat hypertension Animal and test-tube reviews delineate that it might assist with bringing down pulse in more than one way. As far as one might be concerned, it might invigorate nitric oxide creation, which goes about as a vasodilator. Vasodilators loosen up the muscles of your veins, assisting them with extending furthermore, stinging nettle has intensified that might go about as calcium channel blockers, which loosen up your heart by decreasing the power of compressions (Source: Calcium channel blockers, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). In creature studies, stinging nettle has been displayed to bring down pulse levels while raising the heart's cancer prevention agent safeguards (Source: Cardiovascular effects of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) roots extracts: in vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024). Notwithstanding, stinging nettle's consequences for pulse in people are as yet muddled. Extra human investigations are required before proposals can be made.
2.6 May Aid Blood Sugar Control
Both human and animal studies link stinging nettle to lower blood sugar levels , As a matter of fact, this plant contains intensifies that might imitate the impacts of insulin In a three-month concentration in 46 individuals, taking 500 mg of stinging nettle separate multiple times every day essentially brought glucose levels contrasted down with a fake treatment Despite promising discoveries, there are still excessively not many human examinations on stinging nettle and glucose control. More examination is vital. (Source: Improved glycemic control in patients with advanced type 2 diabetes mellitus taking Urtica dioica leaf extract: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, Pubmed Retrieved on 1 January 2024).
3. List of Five Best Nettle Teas
Soaking dried leaves and drinking tea goes back millennia. It's remembered to start in China, where it was utilized restoratively. Today, individuals drink tea for some reasons, including its taste, invigorating or quieting properties, and medical advantages. One well known home grown tea is nettle tea. Below is List of Five Best Nettle Teas .
3.1 Teacurry Nettle Tea For Kidney Detox, Blood Sugar, Blood Purify
Teacurry nettle tea leaves comprise of unadulterated bother leaves collected from Uttarakhand, India. Teacurry nettle leaves as vex tea sacks and vex leaf powder are most popular for their high mineral substance particularly magnesium and calcium. A staple among cultivators, vex is viewed as a work of art "nutritive" spice, it is extremely supplement thick and feeding to mean it that way. Vex powder and annoy tea leaves have been utilized as food, medication, and a supporting tonic since antiquated times. (Source: Nettle Leaf Tea - Is It Good for You, Web MD, Retrieved on 1 January 2024.)
- Manufacturer: Teacurry
- Starting Price: $24.99 for 30 Teabags on Teacurry as of 1 January 2024.
- Taste: Teacurry Nettle Tea is a 100% Natural tea with a soft sweet refreshing taste and with earthy flavors of green tea.
- Ingredients: Teacurry Himalayan Nettle leaves consist of sun-dried Pure Nettle Leaves from the Himalayas.
- Aroma: Teacurry Nettle leaves has a strong musty aroma with earthy notes of steamed green leaves. The flavors refresh the body and mind instantly.
- Rating: 5.0 /5.0 Based on 128 verified customer reviews on Teacurry as of 1 January 2024.
- 100% Natural: Yes
- Caffeine Free: Yes
- Dietary Plan: Not included.
- Benefits:
- Arthritis relief.
- Nettle leaf tea assists with weight loss and helps fight anti-aging.
- Nettle leaf tea reduces the chances of urinary tract infection and improves Kidney Health.
- Nettle leaf tea helps regulate blood pressure.
- Nettle leaf tea reduces PMS symptoms and increases fertility in men and women.
- Link to Shop: Shop on Teacurry, Teacurry Amazon Store

Nettle leaf Tea, Teacurry, licensed under CC BY 2.0
3.2 Traditional Medicinals- Nettle Leaf Tea
Brewed from the leaves of the stinging nettle plant, our organic nettle leaf tea has a familiar flavor, reminiscent of green teas. This versatile herb has been a diet staple for centuries - often used to flavor soups and stews - but is easiest enjoyed as a comforting cup of tea. FGO sells certified organic, 100% Raw Nettle Leaf Tea from Croatia in resealable bags of 20 or 100 tea bags.(Reference: Organic Nettle Leaf Tea , Traditional Medicinals , Retrieved on 1 January 2024).
- Manufacturer: Traditioanal Medicinals
- Starting Price: $29.74 for 21 Teabags Based on Traditional medicinal as of on 1 January 2024.
- Taste: Earthy, fresh and grassy.
- Ingredients: Traditional medicinals Nettle leaves consist of sun-dried Pure Nettle Leaves from the Himalayas.
- Aroma: Earthy notes of steamed green leaves. The flavors refresh the body and mind instantly.
- Rating: 4.7 /5.0 Based on 17,824 verified customer reviews on Traditioanal Medicinals as of 1 January 2024.)
- 100% Natural : Yes
- Caffeine Free : Yes
- Dietary Plan: No diet plan is included.
- Benefits:
- Supports joint health and overall wellness.
- Supports a healthy response to inflammation associated with an active lifestyle..
- Supports healthy skin & liver function.
- Stimulates the liver and supports healthy digestion.
- Supports kidny function and healthy digestion.
- Supports healthy menstruation and tones the uterus.
- Link to Shop: Shop on Traditional Medicinals

3.3 Buddha Teas - Organic Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle Leaf Tea 18 Bags Box Though it may surprise some to know, nettle leaves have been used in cooking for thousands of years and create a high-quality tea. Rich in Essential Vitamins & Minerals Natural Source of Protein Natural Source of Antioxidants18 Bleach Free Tea Bags Suggested Use As a dietary supplement Freshwater is essential for brewing a great cup of tea. Use one teabag per cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 3 to 6 minutes. Remove the teabag and enjoy - Or as directed by your healthcare professional. Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare professional before use. See product label for more information.(Reference: Organic Nettle Leaf Tea, Buddha Teas, Retrieved on 1 January 2024).
- Manufacturer: Buddha Teas
- Starting Price: $29.99 for 18 bleach- Tea Bags on Amazon as of 1 January 2024.
- Taste: Fresh and grassy.
- Ingredients: tiny stinging hairs OF Nettle and totally herbs.
- Aroma: Earthy notes of steamed green leaves. The flavors refresh the body and mind instantly.
- Rating: 4.6 /5.0 Based on 581 verified customer reviews on Amazon as on 1 January 2024.
- 100% Natural: Yes
- Caffeine Free: Yes
- Dietary Plan: No diet plan is included.
- Benefits:
- Relieving from Arthritis.
- Reducing seasonal allergies.
- Managing diabetes.
- This can benefit people who have urinary conditions.
- Nettle leaf tea helps regulate blood pressure.
- Link to Shop: Shop on Amazon
Benefits of Nettle leaf Tea, Amazon Image, licensed under CC BY 2.0
3.4 Celebration Herbals- Organic Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle is native to North America and Europe. This North American variety is known as stinging nettle because of the stinging hairs on its stem. In fact, Caesar's troops introduced nettle to Britain because they thought they would need to fail themselves with it to keep warm. While both its leaves and roots may be used for tea, it's common to use the leaves. our herbs are grown and harvested with the highest standards of quality control. herbal cultivated by commercial growers with proper soil management that identify with our high standards of quality.(Reference: Celebration Herbals tea, Celebrations Herbals, Retrieved on 1 January 2024).
- Manufacturer: Celebrations Herbals
- Starting Price: $37.99 for 2 Packs of 24 Bags Based on Amazon as on 1 January 2024.
- Taste: Earthy, fresh and grassy.
- Ingredients: Organic Nettle Leaf (Urtica Dioica)
- Aroma: Earthy notes of steamed green leaves. The flavors refresh the body and mind instantly.
- Rating : 4.7 /5.0 Based on 175 verified customer reviews on Amazon as of 1 January 2024.
- 100% Natural : Yes
- Caffeine Free : no
- Dietary Plan: No diet plan is included.
- Benefits:
- Supports joint health and overall wellness.
- Supports a healthy response to inflammation associated with an active lifestyle..
- Supports healthy skin & liver function.
- Nettle leaf tea reduces the chances of urinary tract infection and improves Kidney Health.
- Nettle leaf tea helps regulate blood pressure.
- Nettle leaf tea reduces PMS symptoms and increases fertility in men and women both.
- Link to Shop: Shop on Amazon

3.5 Secrets Of The Tribe Stinging Nettle Leaf
Our products are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms. Our inventory comprises 100% organic or wildcrafted herbal raw materials harvested from natural habitats by trusted growers 100% Natural Products: No Artificial Colors or Flavors, No Sugar or Sweeteners Added, Tested and Verified for Purity: Steam Distilled, Pristine Quality, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, No Preservatives, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Cruelty-Free.(Reference: Secrets Of The Tribe Stinging Nettle Leaf Tea, Secrets of the Tribe , Retrieved on 1 January 2024).
- Manufacturer: Secrets of the Tribe
- Starting Price: $32.97 for 4 Fl Oz Based on Amazon as of 1 January 2024.
- Taste: Liquid
- Ingredients: Alcohol-Free Tinctur
- Aroma: Liquid
- Rating : 4.9 /5.0 Based on 13 verified customer reviews on Amazon as of 1 January 2024.
- 100% Natural : no
- Caffeine Free : no
- Dietary Plan: No diet plan is included.
- Benefits:
- Supports joint health and overall wellness.
- Supports a healthy response to inflammation associated with an active lifestyle..
- Supports healthy skin & liver function.
- Nettle leaf tea reduces the chances of urinary tract infection and improves Kidney Health.
- it also helps in hair re-growth.
- Arthritis and pain
- Link to Shop: Shop on Amazon

Secrets Of The Tribe Stinging Nettle Leaf, Amazon, licensed under CC BY 2.0
4. Why you should Choose Teacurry Nettle Tea over other Brands
Enjoy our himalayan nettle tea in its purest form - a perfect balance of taste, health, and aroma. Teacurry nettle leaf tea leaves consist of pure nettle leaf harvested from Uttarakhand, India. Teacurry himalayan nettle tea in form of nettle tea bags and nettle leaf tea is best known for their high mineral content especially magnesium and calcium. A staple among herbalists, stinging nettle leaf is considered a classic “nutritive” herb, meaning it is very nutrient-dense and nourishing. Nettle tea leaves have been used as food, medicine, and a nourishing tonic since ancient times. Teacurry nettle leaf tea benefits present you with this magical concoction to help you regulate blood pressure, reduce PMS symptoms, increase fertility, assist with nettle tea weight loss , kidney detoxification, reduction in uric acid and help with anti-ageing. Hand-selected from India’s finest gardens and crafted by our highly skilled master tasters over thousands of cups we bring you our signature Teacurry stinging nettle leaf in form of pure nettle leaf powder and nettle tea bags. Our Nettle Tea unlocks the healing powers of Urtica Dioica, which serves a plethora of health benefits and is 100% Natural and Pure - unsulphured and with no added sugars or preservatives.
Nettle leaf tea benefits Teacurry Himalayan Nettle leaf tea helps regulate blood pressure. stinging nettle tea benefits can also be shown in the reduction of PMS symptoms and increased fertility in both men and women. Teacurry Himalayan Nettle tea assists with weight loss and helps fight anti-ageing. Teacurry Himalayan nettle leaf benefits can also be shown in the reduction reduces Arthritis pain and helps maintain blood sugar levels. Teacurry Nettle Leaf Tea has a herbaceous, rich taste that some compare to an earthy, sweet version of seaweed and the liquor of himalayan nettle tea leaves has a golden orange colour with a slight white tint. Teacurry Nettle Tea has a strong musty aroma with earthy notes of steamed green leaves. The flavours refresh the body and mind instantly. The himalayan nettle tea assists with fat burn and improves
brain function. It lowers the risks of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Himalayan Nettle Tea also assists in lowering cholesterol, increasing immunity, and preventing inflammatory skin diseases. Teacurry Nettle Leaf Tea helps regulate blood pressure, reduces PMS symptoms, increases fertility, assists with weight loss, and helps with anti-ageing. Teacurry Himalayan nettle tea bags and nettle leaf powder also reduce Arthritis pain, maintain blood sugar levels, reduce the chances of urinary tract infection and improve Kidney Health. Also, Teacurry Men women fertility tea is a combo pack of men fertility tea pack and women fertility tea pack. Male fertility tea is a delicious blend of traditional herbs for men who are facing issues of low production while Teacurry fertility tea Support tea for Women helps those females who are facing issues to conceive naturally because of hormonal imbalances. In men, it is usually an issue of a low count, faint concentration, poor motility, or abnormal morphology. In women, it's usually because of hormonal imbalances (because of PCOS), weak inner linning, tubal blockage, or cyst. So, above is a complete list of best nettle teas in us as in 2024. hopes that you found the above research very useful and it will surely help you decide the brand you want to buy. Please let us know in the comment section below which of the teas really worked for you and what all did you like about the brand. In case of questions or suggestions please reach us at and we would be more than happy to assist.