Health benefits of drinking green tea

Green Tea - Health Benefits, Uses and Dosage

Green tea has been referred to as the healthiest drink on the planet by numerous experts across the globe. In a synopsis, Green tea helps in improving brain function, assists in weight loss through green tea and protects against cancer and heart diseases. (Reference: Green teaWikipedia, Retrieved 1 January 2024). Green tea is also well-known as slimming tea. This article looks into detail the various health benefits and uses of Green Tea and tries to answer the below set of questions:
  1. What is Green Tea?
  2. What are the other names for Green Tea?
  3. How does Green Tea actually work?
  4. Is Green Tea really effective?

    What is Green Tea?

    The source of Green tea is the leaves and buds from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are numerous varieties of teas produced using the Camellia sinensis plant including black tea, white tea, pure tea, oolong tea and red tea. These varieties differ in the way they are processed using the dried leaves and leaf buds of Camellia sinensis. The process of steaming and pan-frying these leaves and then later drying them for a much longer period results into Green Tea. While in the process of black tea and oolong tea the leaves are fermented much more. Partial fermentation results in Oolong tea. (Reference: Health Benefits of TeaWebMD, Retrieved 1 January 2024) In other words, Green tea differs from black and oolong tea because its leaves are picked and steamed raw, avoiding the oxidation process that leads to the later varieties namely oolong and black teas. Since the green tea leaves are not oxidized, their weight loss properties make them the slimming tea.

    Green tea can be taken in multiple forms, however, the most preferred form is to prepare tea by brewing the leaves. Many people also intake tablets containing Green tea extracts and some also prefer using green tea powder to gulp down with a glass of water so that they get the same benefits of slimming tea. The benefits of Green tea include weight loss, fighting depression, preventing cancer (skin cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, tumour cancer, and leukaemia) and treatment with non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD). In additional to being a slimming tea with having green tea weight loss, benefits of Green tea also includes treating inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) and diarrhoea, stomach disorders, vomiting, headaches, and bone loss (osteoporosis). It has also been found that Green Tea can help fight human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV causes genital warts - the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix and leads to cervical cancer. (Reference: Green Tea: Health Benefits Uses and Side EffectsRX List, Retrieved 1 January 2024) Green tea is also known to help with - 

    • Parkinson's disease, 
    • Heart diseases 
    • Health problems related to blood vessels
    • Dental Cavities (caries)
    • Diabetes
    • Low blood pressure 
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 
    • Kidney stones
    • Skin damage

    As a beauty tip, one can also apply used green tea bags to their skin to fight sunburn. Humans can decrease puffiness under the eyes or stop headache by using moist Green tea bags under their eyes. Dentists also recommend using green tea bags to stop gums from bleeding after a tooth has been pulled out. In India, since ages, green tea footbaths have been used to relax muscles, and people gargle with green tea water to prevent colds and flu. Green tea moisturizers, lotions and beauty products are famous around the globe. Even green tea extracts are used as an additive to women intimate care products. (Reference: Flavonoids: The secret to health benefits of drinking black and green tea?Harvard Health Publication, Retrieved 1 January 2024)


    Health Benefits of Green Tea

    Flavonoids - The secret to health benefits of drinking black and green teaHarvard Health PublishingGoogle Images, licensed under CC BY 2.0

    What are the other names for Green Tea?

    Some of the more common names of Green tea in other languages and also based on history are as follows. This list has been retrieved from the name compilation at RX List in its research article on Green Tea

    • Kunecatechins, Polyphenon E, Thé Vert de Yame, Poly E, Thé Vert Sencha, Té Verde, Japanese Tea, Thé, Green Tea Polyphenolic Fraction, GTPF, Thé Japonais, Extrait de Thé, Camellia sinensis, Benifuuki, Yabukita, Yame Green Tea, Thé Vert, Thé de Camillia, Extrait de Thé Vert, Épigallocatéchine Gallate,GTP, Green Sencha Tea, Tea, Tea Green, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Extrait de Camellia Sinensis, Camellia thea, PTV, Japanese Sencha Green Tea, Extrait de Thea Sinensis, CPTV, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Constituant Polyphénolique de Thé Vert, Thea viridis, Tea Extract, EGCG, Thea sinensis, Green Tea Extract, Yame Tea, Thea bohea, Camellia theifera

    How does Green Tea actually work?

    Leaf, leaf bud and stem are the three most useful parts of Green tea. Green tea is not fermented but through fermentation at high temperature, which conserves the important molecules called polyphenols. Polyphenols are responsible for most of the benefits associated with green tea. Green tea helps weight loss, prevent inflammation and swelling, protect cartilage between the bones, and treat joint degeneration. Polyphenols can help treat human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and subdue the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix (cervical dysplasia). However, scientists have not been able to identify how Polyphenols actually work in human beings. 

    Antioxidants in green tea especially in Matcha green tea, helps in protecting the heart and blood vessels. Green tea contains 2% to 4% caffeine. Caffeine helps in boosting thinking and alertness, increases urine output, and improves the function of brain messengers especially in case of Parkinson's disease. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals produced by the human brain when it comes in contact with caffeine. Neurotransmitters act as a stimulant for the nerves, heart, and muscles. 

    Is Green Tea really effective?

    In recent times, some scientific evidence has been collected to show that drinking green tea (also matcha green tea) can actually help an individual improve thinking, concentrate better and also might help in lowering cholesterol risks and other fats like triglycerides, in addition to being slimming tea. Parkinson’s disease can also be delayed by drinking green tea and it actually can help in fighting cancer especially the bladder, pancreas and oesophagus. But no real evidence has been collected to show that green tea can actually help an individual against stomach cancer, kidney disease, heart problems, kidney stones and tooth decay. Below the benefits of Green Tea (and Matcha green tea), have been categorised under three heads:

    How green tea is effective

    Nutrition brand Oziva comes out with a green tea, Economic TimesGoogle Images, licensed under CC BY 2.0

    Effective Benefits of consuming Green Tea

    Below benefits of Green tea are based on sufficient Scientific Evidence collected by scientists and researchers:

    • Fighting against Genital warts -  There are numerous Green tea-based ointments such as Veregen® (sinecatechins) Ointment, which have already been approved by the FDA for treating genital warts. Veregen® is a partially purified fraction of the water extract of green tea leaves from Camellia sinensis and is a mixture of catechins and other green tea components. It has been found that using such ointments have helped patients in more than 40% cases to clear most types of warts.
    • Cure problems arising because of High cholesterol - Based on recent research conducted by CIPLA, if a patient consumes green tea or gulps green tea extract containing 150 to 2500 mg of green tea catechins on a daily basis, for a period of six months then they can reduce their bodies total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol by up to 45%. Moreover, it has been found that those people who consume higher amounts of matcha green tea and matcha powder seem to have lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good") cholesterol. (Reference: Flavonoids: The secret to health benefits of drinking black and green tea?Harvard Health Publication, Retrieved 1 January 2024)

        Benefits of Green Tea

        Below benefits of Green tea are based on limited sufficient scientific data and evidence collected by scientists and researchers:

        • Reduce the chances of Coronary Artery Disease: Based on some research it has been found that green tea can help a patient reduce the risk of Clogged Arteries. Men are found to have this characteristic more than women.
        • Reduce Cervical Dysplasia: Application of Green tea on the skin or by consuming green tea through the mouth can help in reducing cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which green tea intake can help in preventing.
        • Reduce the risk of Endometrial Cancer: Green tea can help in reducing the risk of developing endometrial cancer - however, this is based on Population studies and no real evidence has come through. (Reference: Green Tea: Health Benefits Uses and Side EffectsRX List, Retrieved 1 January 2024) 
        • Control blood pressure: Some research shows that green tea can help in regulating blood pressure. Especially in elderly people, it can help in cases where they develop low blood pressure post meals, so a cup of green tea could help them regulate blood pressure fairly. Few recent studies conducted in China show that drinking 120-599 ml of green tea or oolong tea daily lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure, and drinking more than 600 ml lowers the risk further. But numerous smaller studies have shown that neither green tea nor black tea helps with blood pressure.
        • Reduce oral leukoplakia: Drinking green tea has been found to reduce white patches in gums of people suffering from oral leukoplakia. (Reference: Flavonoids: The secret to health benefits of drinking black and green tea?Harvard Health Publication, Retrieved 1 January 2024)
        • Treat Osteoporosis: A population study conducted in China shows that drinking green tea for more than a period of ten years can help in increasing bone mineral density. Consumption of Green tea-based tablets containing on average 500 mg of catechins (an antioxidant in green tea) for more than six months can help improve bone strength in patients especially post-menopausal women with low bone density.
        • Parkinson's disease: As highlighted before, drinking two cups of green tea daily seems to provide protection against developing Parkinson's disease. (Reference: Flavonoids: The secret to health benefits of drinking black and green tea?Harvard Health Publication, Retrieved 1 January 2024)
        • Avoid ovarian cancer: Early clinical research shows that green tea and matcha powder drinkers appear to have a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. However, the study also highlights that green tea has almost no impact on patients who have a history of ovarian cancer.

        Benefits of green tea

          How to Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss, Healthy WomenGoogle Images, licensed under CC BY 2.0

          Maybe Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

          Below may be benefits of Green tea are based on population research across regions. There is no sufficient scientific evidence backing these benefits:

          • Increase mental alertness: Green tea contains caffeine which in turn helps people maintain mental alertness throughout the day. Adding sugar further increases the alertness. Moreover, it has been found that taking a combination of green tea extract and L-theanine improves memory.
          • Reduce Acne: Population research in India has shown that using dried green leaves on the skin can help in fighting acne problems.
          • Reduce Abnormal protein buildup in the organs (Amyloidosis): Patients suffering from amyloidosis tend to suffer from problems arising due to an increase in heart mass. Population research in Germany and India has shown that drinking green tea (especially Green Darjeeling tea and matcha tea powder) or taking green tea capsules (for example Praevent-loges) can seriously reduce such increase.
          • Improve athletic performance: Some early research suggests that taking specific pills (Teavigo) three times daily with meals for a total dose of seven pills, improves breathing during exercise in healthy adults.
          • Help decrease the risk of Cancer: Some population evidence suggests that drinking green tea and matcha tea is linked to reducing the risk of various types of cancer including 
            • Bladder cancer - especially in the early stage
            • Breast cancer - especially in the early stage
            • Cervical cancer - Polyphenon E present in green tea helps reduce cervical cancer risk in women with HPV infection.
            • Colon and rectal cancer - particularly in women and those with a history of colon cancer
            • Liver Cancer - especially in the early stage
            • Lung Cancer - because of phytoestrogens
            • Mouth cancer - taking green tea extract three times daily after meals for 12 weeks increases healing responses in people with mouth cancer
            • Oesophagal cancer- especially drinking decaffeinated green tea
            • Pancreatic cancer - especially in the early stage
            • Prostate cancer - Some research suggests that men who drink more green tea or who take products containing green tea antioxidants seem to be at a lower risk of prostate cancer. But conflicting research exists. 
            • Stomach cancer - especially in the early stage
          • Reduce the risk of Heart disease: Population studies suggest that drinking three or more cups of green tea daily is linked to a decreased risk of death from heart disease or any cause. Also, it helps to fight against health reasons that may lead to strokes in case of patients.
          • Help fight colds and flu: It has been found that the combination of green tea extract and theanine works wonders in fighting the virus that leads to Flu and Common colds. However, it has also been found that gargling with green tea has no significant impact on patients already suffering from the flu.
          • Help fight depression: Population research suggests that Japanese adults who drink four or more cups of green tea daily have a 44% to 51% lower risk for depression than those who drink one cup or less.
          • Reduce pain after surgery: Research suggests that using a mouthwash containing green tea extract twice daily beginning the day after tooth removal surgery reduces pain.
          • Help fight metabolic syndrome: taking 1000 mg of green tea extract daily or drinking four cups of green tea daily might help improve blood pressure and cholesterol problems in obese people.
          • Help fight Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Green tea does reduce body fat percentage and fatty liver disease severity in people with NAFLD.
          • Help fight diabetes: Population research in Japan showed that adults, especially women who drink more than 4 cups of green tea each day, have particularly high resistance against developing diabetes. However, it has also been found that green tea doesn’t help much with patients who are already suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.
          • Prevent Fertility problems: Early research shows that green tea extract really helps increase pregnancy rates in women who are suffering from fertility issues.
          • Help fight symptoms of Pollinosis: Early research suggests that drinking a type of green tea called "Benifuuki" can reduce allergy symptoms in case of patients suffering from Pollinosis.

          Maybe benefits of Green tea

          Bottled Green Tea Overtaking Home-Brewed as Japan’s Favored Drink, NipponGoogle Images, licensed under CC BY 2.0

          • Reduce the risk of Leukaemia.
          • Relieve Stress: Green tea intake helps in reducing stress and assists in increasing calmness especially in people suffering from depression.
          • Help fight Obesity: Some early research shows that certain green tea extracts like AR25 and Herbal One Green Tea Extract, reduce weight in the case of obese people. Even drinking green tea twice a day on a daily basis can help reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) in adults and children. This is linked to the number of catechins or caffeine contained in the beverage or supplement. Green Tea is also known as slimming tea, mainly because of its ability to increase metabolism and help in weight loss.
          • Help fight Gum disease (periodontal disease): Chewing candy that contains green tea extracts have been found to be beneficial in fighting gum diseases and in reducing gum swelling.
          • Prevent pneumonia: Population research suggests that Japanese women who drink green tea have a lower risk of death from pneumonia compared to those who don't drink green tea.
          • Reduce wrinkles: Green tea application can help getting rid of wrinkled skin. This is because of the antioxidants present in green tea. There are numerous companies who have even launched their green tea creams to fight skin ageing problems in women - skin roughness, hydration, and elasticity in case of middle-aged women.
          • Help fight upper respiratory tract infection: Early research suggests that gargling and swallowing green tea helps in reducing symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.
          • Reduce inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis): Early research suggests that taking green tea products might improve conditions of inflammatory bowel disease. 

          Fun Fact: In the Indian subcontinent, the Lipton Green Tea and Tetley Green Tea are two of the most famous brands in terms of Green Tea. Lipton green tea price varies from Rs. 130 for a 100-gram pack to Rs 447 for a 100 tea bag pack. Tetley green tea price ranges to around Rs. 145 for a 25 tea bag pack in India. (Prices as viewed on 1 January 2024)

 hopes that you thoroughly enjoyed the above research we have tried to put together in terms of Green Tea. In case of questions or suggestions please let us know in comments below or write to us at and we would be more than happy to assist you.

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